Cream Page Arrangement, 2012
Textually Active, Plymouth

Performing pages in the gallery at Plymouth College of Art as part of an event with John Hall, Sally Hall, Kenny Knight and LOW PROFILE; curated by Jason Hirons.

Found pages from books and knitting patterns were arranged meticulously on a small folding table with homemade cardboard extensions. This floral surfaced folding table had been used in previous installations and is a familiar object at home. The table was the starting point for the work as it mirrored the large trestle tables already living in the gallery as part of L.I.E.'s 'Viewing Room' and provided an alternative scale of economy.

The configuration had been practised over and over again in my living room with the page co-ordinates detailed in a hand drawn map. Pages were selected according to motif and the papers' shades of cream. Pages had to be 'just so' in terms of gaps, overlaps and angles.

The story of the pages and configurations were discussed gently with the audience as the work unfolded over ten minutes in the gallery space. Sometimes members of the audience were asked to help when the pages needed re-arranging, things like John holding the Poodle portrait for a moment when something didn't follow the plan, or Sally helping with a cardboard table extension.

Images: Jason Hirons

Familiar motifs: horses, pineapples, keep fit, home science, cats, knitwear.

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